Clinicians monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of a care plan to offer modifications in collaboration with other health care professionals and the patient or caregiver, as needed. This process includes the continuous monitoring and evaluation of:
-> Biometric test results, and patient feedback -> Clinical endpoints contributing to the patient’s overall health -> Care outcomes, including progress towards the achievement of therapy goals.
TeleHealth provides real time patient-provider interaction.
-> Linking providers with clinical insight and decisional support. -> Our Connect Platform prompts consulting providers with intervention opportunities and guides them through the process of Rite Care. -> It features advanced reporting, including electronic reports or cards. -> With Tele-monitoring, it allows for the distant collection of vital patient data, including blood pressure, pulse oxymetry, heart rate, weight and blood glucose.
Our primary goal is to save lives.
Tele-monitoring Equipment:
Tele-monitoring is a tool used for patients with chronic conditions, including CHF, COPD, asthma, hypertension, diabetes and other conditions that may necessitate ongoing monitoring. It is a valuable, non-invasive, pain free, and essentially, hassle free adjunctive approach to patient care that is supported by statistically significant evidence for its effectiveness. There is much tele-monitoring equipment options. Honeywell, Bosch, Philips, Alere and Cardiocom, just to name a few.
Most companies offer devices that track important metrics such as:
-> blood pressure -> blood glucose -> weight -> heart rate -> temperature -> oxygen saturation
Additional features include:
-> INR monitoring -> peak flow -> medication management
Besides the peripheral devices that are required to measure a patient’s vital signs, data transmission devices/monitors may also be necessary to communicate data from a patient’s home to a health care provider. So, in choosing your tele-monitoring provider, it is extremely important to know the way your patient data is currently transmitted, and whether patients possess equipment with the necessary requirements.